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Author Guidelines

In order to submit a paper to the International Journal of Mathematical Sciences in Medicine it is expected that at least one of its authors is a subscriber (or his/her Institution), coauthor or referee of International Journal of Mathematical Sciences in Medicine, has already visited the University of South Florida, has attended an IFNA Meeting or sponsored conference, has participated in any other activity of IFNA or has exceptionally been invited to contribute.

The contributions may be of the following types: research articles, surveys, open problems and historical notes.

Any material published in the International Journal of Mathematical Sciences in Medicine represents the opinions of the author and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor and the Publisher.

Submission of the manuscript implies that it has not been published nor will be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. It also implies that it has been approved by all the authors and by the institution where the research was carried out. Furthermore, it implies that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article by means of printing, reprinting or any other method deemed appropriate by the Publisher including electronic means, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of a similar nature, as well as translation.

If material from other copyrighted works is included, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and cite the source in the article.

Once an article is accepted, authors are requested to send the original source files. PDF files containing galley proofs will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author.

Authors will receive a PDF file of the paper and a copy of the issue which includes it. To reprint more than 100 copies is not permitted. Reprints are not to be sold. No reprints will be supplied by the Publisher.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The manuscript is in LaTex format.
  3. You could find LaTex Style and template files.
  4. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requrements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in about the Journal.

Copyright Notice

By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article by means of printing, reprinting or any other method deemed appropriate by the Publisher including electronic means, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of a similar nature, as well as translation.

If material from other copyrighted works is included, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and cite the source in the article.

Once an article is accepted, authors are requested to send the original source files. PDF files containing galley proofs will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author.

Authors will receive a PDF file of the paper and a copy of the issue which includes it. To reprint more than 100 copies is not permitted. Reprints are not to be sold. No reprints will be supplied by the Publisher.


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ISSN: 2163-8373